Sunday, April 4, 2010

it's easter, which makes me think of...

matzoh ball soup.

fyi: a little history...
i am a hybrid.
a half breed.
a mish mash.
a mulatto.

i am half italian (read catholic) and half jew (read jewish).
so naturally, at easter time,
i feel extra guilty.

this time because i felt a strong urge to put shrimp in my matzoh ball soup.
may She forgive me.

Matzoh Ball Soup
Makes enough for many if they only have one ball.
Not as many if they need two.
Note: My friends had two.

After much intensive research and experimentation...
Buy a box of matzoh meal. Follow instructions on the box.

Note: Use shmaltz for requisite fat (rendered chicken fat which i swooped from the stuff accumulated on the top of a pot of homemade chicken stock) AND seltzer for the liquid. Add chopped fresh chives, chopped fresh parsley to the ball mixture and slice ginger root into 1/4 inch pieces to season the (homemade) broth.
Outrageously delicious.

strictly coincidentally, i had five women over this past tuesday, Passover 2010, for a cooking class. i included matzoh ball soup on the menu. four of the five had never in their lives eaten a matzoh ball...they were mostly southern gals, but they recognized them, rightly so, as nothin' but dumplin's.

amen and mazel tov.

side note: crazy week. crazy tired. getting ready to fly to china in a couple of weeks and a mere million things to do. promise more soon.

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